Sunday September 06th 2020
14th Lord’s Day After Pentecost
Forever God of new beginnings, Unchanging God, we give you praise and thanks for the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas. We continue to celebrate God’s faithfulness and to claim God’s future as an autonomous conference within the one Holy Church since May 18, 1967. “What God has wrought!”
Baptize us afresh with the life-giving Spirit of Jesus! Make your Church the new humanity whose faith is at work in the world. Bid us cease from seeking our own life, lest we lose it, as we mount the path to higher glory.” May the love of Christ constrain us; through Jesus Christ our Lord from whose heart his merciful graces and most precious blood still flow. And who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen
The Old Testament Reading
Exodus 12:1 – 14
The Psalm
Psalm 149
The New Testament [ Epistle ]
Romans 13:8 – 14
The Gospel Reading
Matthew 18:15 – 20