President’s Message

The Connexional Officers join me in greeting you as we commence another Connexional Year. We rejoice in the goodness of God, and we know that our gracious and loving God who faithfully goes with us through the valley of the shadow of death, protects us, preserves us, and provides for us, stands with us at the portal of this new year and hushes every fear and anxiety.

Last year was a various year. Some have known and experienced grief and sickness; some have rejoiced at miracles in their lives or the lives of family and friends. Some faced some very anxious moments when we were concerned about living each day but through it all we can affirm firmly that God is good.

We commend to your love and care all our ministers and especially those who have been transferred and are being welcomed into new Circuits; those who have superannuated and will move into another phase of their life’s journey, those who will be taking up their first Circuit appointment and those who have answered the call and will commence their theological education and ministerial formation.

We invite you to join and participate in the launch of Year 3 of the MCCA Unified Strategic Direction (USD) on:

  • September 4 in English,
  • September 5 in French,
  • and September 9 in Spanish.

God wants the MCCA to be a growing, vibrant church that is empowered by the Holy Spirit and responsive to the needs of the communities in which we minister. Therefore, let us join in prayer and play our part in the successful implementation of the USD in all Districts, Circuits and Congregations.  Let us always remember that God is with us, and God is not finished with us as a Church.

Approaching the new year can be unsettling because none of us knows the future. We do not know what this year will bring, what storms may rock our boat, what wind will blow and how we may be tossed from side to side. As we push out from the shores of the 2022/2023 year and launch out into the new, uncharted waters of 2023/2024, let us be aware that whatever comes our way God is with us and God has the power to calm the waves. When we pass through the waters God will be with us, and the rivers will not overwhelm us, the fire will not consume us (Isa. 43:2).

Let us press on in God’s mission always cognizant of the fact that we are stronger together and united we stand divided we fall.

Go forth with confidence, the Lord is with you!