Thirty Years Anniversary

Sisters and Brothers,

Rev. Delsol Meade

Rev. Delsol Meade

All praise to Our Redeeming Lord by whose grace we have come to a new Connexional Year.

This year is especially significant in that it marks thirty years of the MCCA Mission in Holland. The call to Mission is one that we must now take as seriously as ever. Throughout the District, our people are encouraged to enlist as Andrews who will lead others to encounters with our Redeeming Lord. This is something that every member, baptised or confirmed can share in. As we respond, we will realise that the target of enlisting three more active members in our Classes and Congregations is far from impossible. We know, through faith, “the assurance of things hoped for”, the evidence of things not [yet] seen” that this is well within God’s possibility.

We must present our response of faith, a response marked by love and Christian service, a response enabled through Jesus the Christ who gives all who believe in him the power to live purposefully for God. Our response of faith becomes the Lord’s instrument, for it is God who has acted in the past, who will answer our prayers, and grant the increase in our place and time.

In the past year, we have spent some time and effort in our worship experiences, Class Meetings, Discipleship Classes exploring how we give evidence that we live according to the District theme Grounded in Christ: Loving-Serving-Rejoicing. This year, we can more deliberately put out thoughts and resolutions into actively loving and serving others for Christ’s sake.

Bearing this in mind, I present the anniversary theme

          #Methodism NL@30: Loving Service through Faith in Christ

Our decision to make the legal transition from an association to a church is related. A church outward looking, never exclusive as an association may be. The church of Christ s even on the move, taking Christ’s love to others within and beyond its accustomed borders. It reaches others, serving them because of its faith in Christ Jesus, God’s love gift to all persons. A church is therefore inclusive, always listening for God’s voice telling us how, when and where to reach with loving service. And as we do, the love of our faithful God transforms the world around us, for God’s glory.

This, this is the God we adore,

Our faithful unchangeable friend

Whose love is as great as its power

And neither knows measure nor end.

Your’s in God’s service,
Joan Delsol Meade, Pastor