Holland Methodist Church

Amsterdam Congregation

Amsterdam Congregation

If you are a new resident in Amsterdam, and looking for a home church, or visiting and need a place to worship, be assured of a warm welcome at the Methodist Church- Methodisten Kerk Nederland (MKN). Along with the Amsterdam Congregation, we are the Holland Circuit of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas (MCCA). The MCCA has been engaged in ministry in the Netherlands for the past 35 years.

We are a small closely knit fellowship of believers who meet for worship at the Baptist Gementee at Het Breed 2 in Amsterdam Noord.  Lord’s Day Worship begins  every Sunday at 2:30 p.m.  and a warm welcome awaits you should you join the Amsterdam Congregation in worship, fellowship, or Christian service.

Lord’s Day Worship is Word-centred and includes the proclamation of the gospel; but we also share in rich fellowship as we embrace persons as equal children of God. We celebrate New Life in Jesus Christ and emphasise our role in home, church and community as stewards of God’s grace. Worship is mostly in English with Children’s Ministry in Dutch. However, once a quarter, on the fifth Sunday, there is a Dutch worship service conducted by the choir.

Sunday School for children is held during worship but also online. We welcome children who may not be regular worshippers with the Congregation.

Bible Study for adults is held online on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. On the first and third Tuesdays of the month, studies are in Dutch while English classes are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays.

There is a pastoral team led by the minister, a commissioned lay worker and a team of pastoral leaders [Class Leaders]. Should you wish to share spiritual concerns or seek guidance, the pastor, Rev’d Dr. Joan Delsol Meade, or commissioned lay worker, Bro. Alfred Glasgow will gladly receive you.


Rev’d   Dr. Joan A. Delsol Meade
Het Breed 2
1025 HR Amsterdam Noord

Tel: +31 (06) 83555750
E-Mail: info@hollandmethodistchurch.org
