Sisters and Brothers,
I greet you in the name of our triune God- Creator, Redeemer and Enabler.
We are into October which is marked in the MCCA as Ministries Month. Whereas formerly, the tendency was to focus mostly on the call to full time Ministry, Ministries Month is now seen as time to focus on the varied Ministries that we all perform as members of the Body of Christ.
The following extract from The Constitution and Discipline of The Methodist Church In The Caribbean And the Americas (p.40) should inform our discussions on Ministry:
“Christ’s Ministers in the Church are stewards in the household of God and Shepherds of His flock. Some are called and ordained to this sole occupation and have a principal and directing part in these duties, but they hold no priesthood differing in kind from that which is common to the Lord’s people and they have no exclusive title to the preaching of the gospel or the care of souls. These ministries are shared by them with others to whom also the Spirit divides His gifts severally as He wills.”
We hold firmly to the Doctrine of the Priesthood of All Believers. Therefore, while ordained Ministers are set apart as representatives to overseer the ordered life in our communion, each one of us is called to respond to God’s call on our life and to be active in Ministry, that is, service for God.
I therefore take this opportunity to remind myself and all lay members of the Circuit of our charge to glorify God through the service we render to church and community. All confirmed members have made such a pledge to service.
So whatever the Ministry you have been called to – Preacher, Teacher, Counsellor, Visitor, Class Leader, Circuit Steward, Congregational, CARE Fund or Custodial Steward, ENNOW Leader, Cradle Roll Secretary, Musician, Chorister, IT Specialist, Usher, Reader, Kitchen Cook, Helper or other, know for sure that your task is critical to the functioning of the Body of Christ. Your gifts are valuable and together, all our gifts make for a harmonious functioning of the Church.
Take seriously, then, the admonition from 1 Peter 4 to be good stewards of the varied gifts that we have received from God, to use them with the strength that God supplies, so that we may glorify God in all things.
May the Lord’s richest blessings be ours in the service of our Lord.
In God’s service,
Joan Delsol Meade, Pastor