Holland Methodist Church

Rev. Dr. Wycherely Gumbs

Rev. Dr. Wycherely Gumbs

The MCCA is mourning again.

On Friday 4th September, the Reverend Dr. Wycherely Valentine Gumbs, Superintendent of the Anguilla Circuit, Leeward Islands District, transitioned suddenly from this life into eternity.

He served the MCCA as a Minister during the periods 1973-1994 and 2007 served until his death.

In the intervening period, Rev’d Dr Gumbs served the government of the United States Virgin Islands in the Department of Human Services and Education.

His service to as an MCCA Minister included a wide range of roles -Pastor, Teacher, School Principal and Chairman of the Leeward Islands District. He was also an accomplished Playwright, Poet, Hymnist and Historian. He will be greatly missed.

The Holland Circuit conveys its condolences to his family and the people of Anguilla. In particular, we commend his family to the healing grace of God. They include his wife Mrs Stella Gumbs, their children Wycherley Junior, Angela, Elliot and their families.