Holland Methodist Church


Rev. Selwyn L. Vanterpool

Another of the stalwarts of the Leeward Islands District, and the MCCA, has gone home to glory. On Monday 10th May, the Reverend Selwyn L. Vanterpool departed this life. He died in Georgia, USA where he had been receiving medical attention for some time. Rev’d Vanterpool served throughout the Leeward… Read More

Rev. Dr. Wycherely Gumbs

The MCCA is mourning again. On Friday 4th September, the Reverend Dr. Wycherely Valentine Gumbs, Superintendent of the Anguilla Circuit, Leeward Islands District, transitioned suddenly from this life into eternity. He served the MCCA as a Minister during the periods 1973-1994 and 2007 served until his death. In the intervening… Read More

Rev. Edris Christopher O’Neal

The MCCA mourns the loss of another of its Ministers. The Reverend Edris Christopher O’Neal OBE, a Deacon who served in the Leeward Islands District, died in Tortola, British Virgin Islands, on Sunday 24th May. Rev’d Christopher- O’Neal, a supernumerary minister and member of the Wesley Diaconal Community, was the… Read More
Reverend Glenna Spencer

Reverend Glenna Spencer

The MCCA mourns the loss of its Connexional Secretary the Reverend Glenna Spencer. She departed this life at 8:06 p.m. Monday 11th May, Eastern Caribbean time. May her soul rest in eternal peace. The Holland Circuit expresses sincere condolence to family members left to mourn, to Bishop Everald Galbraith and… Read More

Johan Pantophlet

We sadly announce the death of Johan Pantophet, who died on Friday, August 4th 2017. He was 84. We offer our condolence to the bereaved family and pray Gods peace. May he rest in peace. Read More

Althea van Putten

We are sorry to announce the death of Althea van Putten who died on Wednesday, August 2nd 2017 in Curacao. She was 89 and the mother of sis. Cheryl van Putten of the Amsterdam Congregation. We offer our condolence to the bereaved family and pray Gods peace. May she rest… Read More

Amalia Daniëlle Arrindell

waarom vechten waarom pijn je wilde niet weg maar bij ons zijn de strijd was oneerlijk je wilde nog verder maar verloor het gevecht volkomen onterecht Intens verdrietig, maar dankbaar dat een verder lijden haar bespaard is gebleven, delen wij u mede / geven wij u kennis dat heden rustig… Read More

Coralie Eugenie Richardson

Sunrise: 5-8-1935 Sunset: 25-09-2016 CHILDREN Jozef Richardson Edris Richardson Liga Richardson Alfred Richardson Amilia Richardson Jacqueline Richardson SIBLINGS that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution… Read More