Holland Methodist Church

Third Sunday In Advent

Third Sunday In Advent

2021 Advent Liturgy

Third Sunday in Advent
(Light the first two candles and the third candle)


Leader           Our Advent journey of listening and waiting continues
People         We listen to God, and we wait for the coming of Jesus into our lives again
Leader           As we wait, hear this promise from the prophet Isaiah;
Reader        Read Isiah 35:1 -2, 5 – 8, 19
Leader           Isaiah talks about a time of great joy when the desert will blossom and be filled with springs of water
People         And the people will sing with Joy

Prayer by All: God of joy, how wonderful your promises are!  Help us to wait with patience, knowing that you always keep your promises.  Amen


Song          The King shall come (Tune Joy to the World) Verses 1, 4, & 5

The King shall come when morning dawns
And light triumphant breaks,
When beauty gilds the eastern hills
And life to joy awakes.

Oh, brighter than that glorious morn
Shall dawn upon our race
The day when Christ in splendour comes
And we shall see his face

The King shall come, when morning dawns
And light and beauty brings.
Hail, Christ the Lord! Your people pray:
Come quickly, King of kings

 Leader       Let us now think about the times when we or people in our family have to wait a long time for something.
How does it feel to wait? What makes waiting easier?  What makes it harder?  What are we waiting for right now?