Holland Methodist Church

Sick & Shut-In Members

Sick & Shut-In Members

  • Irma Bryson the sister of Patsy Bryson has been released from hospital but still requires our prayerful support.
  • Also let us continue to pray for the members of our congregations who are house bound, those in Care Facilities, the sick and others recovering from illness and surgery.
  • We pray specifically for our members: Gloria Berkel, Elsie Thomas, Marjorie Rumnit, Daphne Candelaria, Patricia Matthews, Violet Lake, John Gumbs, Sandra Brown, Sylvia Gumbs, Winifred Hughes, Hilda Mckoy, Irma and Ronald Leito, Lydia Clarke, Nelly Louisa and Letty Bassou.
  • We pray too, for Hassan Violenus (den Haag), Merida Vanterpool, Charismelle Hodge (Rotterdam) and her mother Ivetti Hodge (St. Maarten).

Our prayer is tha God will lay His healing hand upon them and watch over them and others, as we hold them up in our prayers.