Holland Methodist Church

Reconvening Worship at Rotterdam

Reconvening Worship at Rotterdam

Our physical worship services will reconvene on August 9th 2020 and will be only on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month. For worship on the 1st and 3rd Sunday’s, the worship services at Amsterdam can be viewed via Live-streaming.

Worship services will begin at 14:30 hrs.
The doors will be open for entrance to the church building from 14:00 hrs.
Make certain that you are on time for worship! The worship will begin promptly at 14:30 hrs., and the main entrance will be closed when worship has started. Entrance is not permitted after worship has started!

Our Worship services will follow the worship services of the Moravians, as customary. The Moravians will thoroughly clean all the areas of use in the church building pertaining to church pews and chairs, tables, lectern, doors etcetera… and ventilate the building before our entrance.

Members who wish to attend the worship service must indicate this beforehand. Notification of attendance can be done via telephone call or whatsapp message to one of the three congregation stewards:

  • Chericea Downes: telephone number: 06-19011962
  • Rolando Peters: telephone number: 06-42089530
  • Patsy Philips: telephone number: 06-42241029

Vooraf zal ons eigen team zorgdragen voor grondige reiniging van toiletten, stoelen, tafels, etc. Ontsmettingsmiddelen staan opgesteld bij de ingang en de toiletten

If you are ill with fever/flu /cough or sneezing then you should remain at home. Persons aged 70 years and older, or persons with underlying illnesses (such as respiratory problems and lung-disease, heart-diseases, diabetes, weakened immune system or kidney disorder) have a heightened risk to contract the Covid-19 virus. For your own safety, we strongly advise you to consider if you wish to attend the physical worship services.

Entrance to and departure from the church building must take place according to the stipulated route and floorplan as designated by the Moravians.  Entrance: is through the garden gate between Avenue Concordia 107 and 111 and through the side door from the garden near the church school room.   

Exit:  is through the main door at the front of the church building (Avenue Concordia 111).

A schematic of the floorplan is attached.

There is a standing unit (dispenser) with hand-sanitizer at the point of entrance. Everyone entering the church building must sanitize their hands before being seated.

Upon entrance to the church building you will be directed by one of the ushers (recognizable by a badge/armband and/or vest) to your seat. You must be seated as directed by the usher.

The seating arrangements are in keeping with the RIVM guidelines (minimum of 1,5 metres social distancing).


After being seated, you are not permitted to move about until the end of worship and departure.
Church School: Upon entrance children are supposed to go directly to the church school area where they will be instructed by a church school teacher.


You are encouraged and advised to avoid the use of the restroom and try to avoid having to do so by taking precautions at home. You may use the restroom in the corridor between the church school area and the vestry, before the start of the worship service and before being seated.

If you have to use the restroom, during worship, (at the back of the worship area, near the exit), you will not be permitted to enter the worship area again.  

Public Singing: during worship is not allowed. Only  (max.) 4 persons from the choir, who will sing at a sufficiently safe distance from the congregation while maintaining distance from each other.

Face Mask:  You are required to wear a face mask during the worship service, unless you have a medical condition which hampers you from wearing face masks for a prolonged period.

Offering: You are encouraged to give your offering through the bank. Should you wish to give a cash offering, then this can be given upon leaving near the exit.

The Congregational and Custodial Stewards of the Rotterdam Congregation