Holland Methodist Church

Prayer List For Lent 2021 wk3

Prayer List For Lent 2021 wk3

Sisters and Brothers,

We need to continue praying for ourselves, for each other, and everyone. Let stay in touch with God, so that we may stay in love with God.

We shall use the following prayer schedule to help us to pray together as, on any given day, we shall be praying for the same persons. This is in addition to prayers we share in with whatever other prayer groups to which we belong.

The Class Leaders are free to call their members to pray together on any given day they choose, but please try to have at least one Class prayer meeting during Lent this year.

When you pray for the affected persons listed, remember to call them by name and to pray for these requests and any other needs you feel led to pray for:

  • Pray for their physical and emotional health – and that they will pray for God’s will to be fulfilled in their life and that healing- physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual- be granted according to God’s will.
  • Those who are sick will not fail to confess and seek God’s pardon.
  • That though weak from illness, they may seek God’s strength
  • For the dying, pray for God’s peace
  • Pray for the wellbeing of their families caring for the sick. Give thanks for those caring for them
  • That carers will see their work as service to the Lord (Matthew 25)

Monday 8th

Our housebound members from Amsterdam:

  • Gloria Berkel, Elsie Thomas, Marjorie Rumnit, Daphne Candelaria, Patricia Matthews, Violet Lake, Lidia Clarke, Sandra Brown, John Gumbs

Tuesday 9th

Our housebound members from Rotterdam

Dolores Arrindell, Sylvia Gumbs, Winifred Hughes, Hilda McKoy, Irma and Ronald Leito

Wednesday 10th

Those of our fellowship who are ill:

  • Essie Dormoy
  • Jullie Murray-Hilman

Thursday 11th

Others who are lonely, or ill and have requested (or not requested) our prayers.

  • Hassan Violenus
  • Emy LaNooy,
  • Ramon Hassell
  • Merida Vanterpool
  • Rendy Martina
  • Others

Friday 12th

The health professionals and paid care-givers from our Congregations

  • Sisters Glinder Racherds & Judith Wolfgang (Amsterdam)
  • Sisters Simonetta Donie Arrindell, Sahsjah Christopher, Ivy Dormoy (Rotterdam)

Saturday 13th

The teachers and teaching assistants from our Congregations

  • Sisters Shurina Martina, Lourdes Brown, Rosie Rhoda,