Prayer List For Lent 2021 wk1
Sisters and Brothers,
One of the things that we pledge to do more of this Lent, is to pray- to stay in touch with God, so that we may stay in love with God.
We shall use the following prayer schedule to help us to pray together as, on any given day, we shall be praying for the same persons. This is in addition to prayers we share in with whatever other prayer groups to which we belong.
The Class Leaders are free to call their members to pray together on any given day they choose, but please try to have at least one Class prayer meeting during Lent this year.
When you pray for the persons listed, remember to call them by name and to pray for these requests and any other needs you feel led to pray for:
- Their physical and emotional health
- The wellbeing of their families
- That they will more earnestly seek to know God
- That they will make themselves available to the Holy Spirit to be equipped for their tasks
- That they will grow in confidence to serve the Lord and God’s people
- They will fulfil the responsibilities that have been assigned to them
- They will give of their time, their talent and their treasure to the work of the Lord.
Thursday 18th:
Pray for: The Minister- Rev’d Dr. Joan Delsol Meade & The Circuit Stewards Bros. Lescard Thomas and Matthijs Duyzer.
Friday 19th:
Pray for: The Congregational Stewards – Sisters Jullie Muray, Milangela Streedel, Zandra Wilson, Chericea Downes, Bro Rolando Peters
Saturday 20th:
Pray for: The CARE Fund Stewards – Sisters Glenda Berkel, Theresita Hazel, Inez James, Letty Bassou, Theresita Adolphus, Barbara Thomas
Sunday 21st – Pray along with the Dutch and /or English Lord’s Day worship services.