Women of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas are collectively referred to as MCCA Women, whose guiding motto is In Service for Christ.
The circuit appointed a new board of MCCA Women in September 2022. It comprises the following: Sis Inez James (Amsterdam) President; Sis. Lea Lynch (Rotterdam) Vice-President; Sis Chericea Downes (Rotterdam) Secretary. The other members are Sis Melissa David-Williams (Amsterdam), Sis Marcia Mentar (Amsterdam) Sis Essie Dormoy (Rotterdam) and Rev’d Dr Joan Delsol Meade.
Among MCCA Women, there are a few prominent organisations including The Women’s League which is the movement that features in Holland Circuit. There is a Women’s League at both Amsterdam and Rotterdam Congregations. The sisters in these leagues focus on intercessory prayer and on visitation to the housebound, the sick and other community members whom they wish to encourage and show support for. It is not surprising that the groups pay visit to residential homes for the elderly, an activity that was greatly restricted during the COVID pandemic
The Rotterdam Women’s League is currently fundraising for its outreach to residents at the Ronald McDonald House. This allows stayover for parents of children at the SofiaHospital. The league will give parents time off from the kitchen as they prepare dinner on selcted days.
The Women’s League has its own motto Sincerity in Service . Members are admitted formally through an act of enrolment, during which the newly enrolled make the following pledge:
“I accept the call of God to service, and trusting in His strength I offer myself for the work of the Women’s League in this Church. In all things it shall be my aim to share in the full life of Christ’s Church, and to seek through worship and work to know and to do the will of God in my home, my church and my community so helping to establish His kingdom on earth.”
The last enrolment service of the Women’s League was held at Amsterdam on 15th December 2019.
The movement invites its members to serve the Lord at home, in church and community. They are encouraged to enrich themselves spiritually through studying God’s Word, and to prepare themselves and others to face life’s challenges through sharing in prayer and fellowship. The Women’s League programme helps to equip them for service It is not surprising then, that Women’s League members serve as the church as Congregational Stewards and Custodial Stewards in the Congregations. All our CARE Fund Stewards are women. Their specific ministry is to prepare for the celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and to assist the Minister with the pastoral care of the more vulnerable members.
The women of the church are also quite keen on mentoring children and youth. All the Church School (Sunday School) Teachers in the circuit are female; and so also, the Cradle Roll Secretaries. These women keep in contact with the families of the youngest members who have been received into the Church by Sacrament of Baptism, but do not attend regularly until they have reached the age to participate in Church School Classes.