Message to the Connexion 2019

The completion and commencement of yet another Connexional Year constrains us to affirm and celebrate the love, mercy, grace and faithfulness of our God. In the celebrated words of Jeremiah: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” Lam. 3:22-23 (NRSV).

Yes! God is faithful. Oui! Dieu est fidèle.  Sí! Dios es fiel.

During last year we experienced failed expectations and miraculous accomplishments; sickness and health; joy and bereavement; growth and decline. Some experiences prompted us to make significant changes and others forced us to.  Although there were areas that needed improvement your faithfulness in your stewardship of time, treasure and talent was commendable. Through it all God’s faithfulness was constant.

In the emerging year it is crucial that we seek God’s inspiration and guidance as we “Face the Tasks Unfinished”; respond to God who is gone before us into our Galilees; and improve in those areas where we have fallen short. God is faithful in God’s love for all of creation and God calls upon us, as “soldiers of the cross”, to do likewise.

Therefore, let “faithful” be our watch word during this year. FAITHFUL!! God help us to be faithful as active or superannuated ministers; as leaders of classes and organizations; as students and teachers; as local preachers; as circuit and congregational stewards; as employees and employers; as ushers, choristers, musicians, members or whatever position we may find ourselves. Let us strive to be authentic and dependable.

IMAGINE! Just imagine what kind of congregation you would be a part of if each person is faithful to God and to the task at hand. Be thou faithful to the end. I entreat us to embrace the words and message of our 50th Anniversary song which says:

“Let’s all arise in each generation
Peace, truth and justice shall be our aim
Purse our mission in word and action.
As God’s bright future we dare to claim

God is faithful guiding our mission
Through his mercy, we are right on track
Carrying on the work of those before us
Never tempted to turn back”

 By: George Mulrain and George Roberts

God is faithful to us and conversely, we should be faithful to God and our work.
In the name of God and for the sake of Christ and God’s Church I appeal to you to be faithful.

Bishop, The Rev’d Everald L. Galbraith
Connexional President
September 1, 2019