Sisters and Brothers,
We enter the last quarter of the 2023-24 Connexional Year and look back on thirty-five years of ministry of the Holland Circuit. Let us be thankful for the wonderful grace of God as we have experienced it.
What is there in our life together that signals the presence of God among us? This is a pertinent question since we are called be signs of God live in the world. The church of which we are part, is called to continue the mission of God in the world. So that must always be the guiding concern when we assess work done by any part of Christ’s Church.
We have, over the years enjoyed rich fellowship; and that continues. This is good, because when persons share together in Christian living and thereby build each other up, that is profitable, an important part of our mission.
We give thanks for those who, over the years have been part of the teaching and preaching ministry. This is vital if persons are to hear the message of the gospel and to become familiar with the Word of God. In addition to Bro Glasgow who has served as lay pastor, the circuit has recommended three persons to be local presbyters; but they are no longer resident here or active in this part of the church. Are we looking out for new persons to continue in these leadership roles?
We can give thanks, too, for the children who are growing up among us, and for the adults devoted to ministry among them; for the faith must be passed on. This brings me to the important question of whether we have been sufficiently diligent in our outreach to children and youth. Why are we not attracting more of them? We will not carry on another thirty-five years if we focus only on the older generations among us. As we look forward, let us be prepared to make the necessary adjustments so that the younger generations feel welcome and valued, and own their place inn Christ’s Church.
In that respect, we need to encourage more young adults to offer for leadership roles. It is still a challenge to get persons to serve as secretaries. Finding new secretaries will become easier when we encourage our bright young minds to serve in leadership roles as they will be more involved in decisions making meetings.
Are we sufficiently engaged in outreach work? There was a time when Methodist choirs visited homes and prisons. The circuit recognised that ministry beyond its walls is an important aspect of Christian mission. Service for Christ must extend to those on the outside. As they benefit from our loving encounters – through word and deed, we may just win them to the Lord’s side. We need to remember that God is already on theirs. We can help people discover that as we serve.
Oh, there are many other questions we could ask, but writing space is limited, so I say, let’s continue reflecting and then acting so that we effectively pursue the work of ministry in this land.
Yours in God’s service
Joan Delsol Meade