
“Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward” Hebrews 10:35″

The book of Hebrews in the Bible was written to Jewish Christians who were undergoing severe persecution, socially and physically, both from fellow Jews and Romans. They were also struggling to remain faithful to this new way rather than slipping back into their traditional beliefs and practices by drifting away from Christianity. Their new faith had cost them dearly.

Heb. 10: 32-34 says: “But recall those earlier days when…you endured a hard struggle with sufferings… publicly exposed to abuse and persecution… For you had compassion for those who were in prison, and you cheerfully accepted the plundering of your possessions, knowing that you yourselves possessed something better and more lasting.” Yes! The writer reminds them to hold on and not throw away the confidence they have in Christ, because such confidence carries with it a great and glorious compensation.

The loss of confidence and the temptation to quit are common human experiences. A boxer knocked down in the first round; a teacher threatened by students and parents; a farmer suffering at the hand of thieves and a minister struggling with an unco-operative congregation are a few illustrations of persons who might have been tempted to quit.

As I lay on my bed in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast, Ireland, in 1979, wracked with pain after being struck in my right eye by a football, I questioned the accident having answered the call to become a minister of the gospel. I still remember suddenly humming Andraé Crouch’s song “I’ve Got Confidence.” Next year will be 40 years since that accident. My eye is still not what it used to be but I maintained my confidence in God and God brought me through.

We need to persevere with confidence during trials, doubts and persecution so that we can complete the will of God for our lives. We need to rest in the confidence we have, through faith in Jesus Christ who enables us to carry on. We should disregard everything that hinders us and run the race set before us, looking only to the magnificent finish line (Heb. 12:1-3).

Do you have the confidence that Jesus is going to see you through and fix it all for you?
Chorus from Andraé Crouch’s song “I’ve Got Confidence” says:

…, I’ve got confidence
God is gonna see me through
No matter what the case may be
I know He’s gonna fix it for me

Thought: With confidence in God, we are winners.

Prayer Focus: Pray for those who are contemplating quitting the race.

Rev’d Everald L. Galbraith J.P.
Connexional Bishop