Holland Methodist Church

Month: August 2024

Looking backwards to look forwards

Sisters and Brothers,

As we enter the final month of the 2023-24 Connexional year, it is fitting that we look both backwards with gratitude for what we have, through grace, been able to accomplish, and look forward with hope towards God’s possibility for us in the future. To do this, we must both individually and collectively, assess our stewardship over the year in review.

At the start of the year, we made pledges concerning our determination to be God’s instruments in our time and place, acknowledging that we can achieve God’s purpose for us only as we rely on the Lord and invest ourselves in God’s purpose for our lives. We resolved, for example, to reach out to persons outside the church while at the same time seeking to inspire our non-active members of the Methodist family to become more involved in the church’s life and witness. We agreed to pay attention to our housebound members, with Classes organising visits to show them that they are valued family members. We agreed to improve on our stewardship of time, talent and treasure, making ourselves available for training to assist us in this regard.

How well have we followed up on these pledges? We have, no doubt, shown improvement in some areas. Some have been actively engaged in the study of God’s word, making us more aware of the power of God’s presence and of the enabling that God gives us to do the work; but the number of attendees in both English and Dutch sessions was less than we hoped for. Some have been more deliberate in organising visits, some more active in outreach work, some more generous in their stewardship; however, we can admit that there is a lot more to be done.

Generally, there remains a lack of resolve concerning faith sharing. We need the Holy Spirit’s help to overcome the timidity that is evident. We need to grow in confidence that God equips us for the tasks to which we are called. When we do, we more readily respond to God’s call and take up assignments that others are trying to fulfil simply because there is no one else to do them. We still need persons to offer their gifts in service, particularly as secretaries for our different meetings. Records are valuable as they document the thoughts and decisions we take. These, in turn, can give guidance to others serving after us. This does not mean that the church becomes static (unchanging), but rather, that we can review actions taken and see what changes are needed. We must be ever conscious that God is always doing a new thing. That will be the case as we step out in faith into the 2024-25 Connexional Year.

So, let us give all we’ve got for God as we enter September. Let us never forget the best reality in our changing situations. The best of all is God is with us. Travelling with God, we can be assured that the gifts and graces we need will be supplied by the Lord who calls and equips us. Let us move forward in hope into God’s limitless possibility, and know God is indeed, able to do far more than we can ever ask or imagine.

So let our constant prayer for 2024-25  be, “In our lives, Lord, be glorified. Men.”

Yours in Christ’s service
Joan Delsol Meade, Pastor