Holland Methodist Church

Month: April 2024

The Power Of The Resurrection

Sisters and Brothers,

It is the Season of the Resurrection of our Lord! The message this sends us is ever-renewing, full of reminders of God’s awesome power of God to give us victory in life’s testing circumstances.

Both literally and figuratively, the death and burial of Jesus was not the final event in God’s salvation plan. It was not the nail in the coffin! Of course, through his death, Jesus the Christ, the Lamb of God, offered himself as the means for our forgiveness. But beyond the grave comes the victory of his Resurrection. He did not only die for our sins, paying the price with his blood; but he rose for our justification. The abundant life that he came to bring is ours to claim today.

Remembering that God remains ever faithful to the divine promise of abundant life, we need never despair, even when difficulties arise, as they sometimes will. Let us be resolute that in times of sadness, struggle, and testing, we will hold on to God’s unchanging hand and claim the grace which is on offer.

Let us set our minds on fellowship with God so that when life’s storms assail, the peace that surpasses understanding will be ours. When we face difficult decisions, we will tackle them knowing that with Christ, we have the victory, even to accomplish what seems beyond us. Indeed, we can do it all through the One who gives us strength.

We may not be able to do it alone. In fact, it’s not in God’s plan for us to go it alone. The gifts with which we as individuals have been endowed, are meant for the whole people of God. God gives us one another and calls us to work together to effect change. We need to. All around us we see evidence that the world needs repair. Some persons live in such desperate situations that they long for death. But as people of the Resurrection, we must use our resources- head, hands, heart, feet, voices, gifts and abilities, skills, opportunities, and material resources – to challenge injustice and do our part to fight against hopelessness that makes the things of death seem victorious.

Let us always remember that our weaknesses are outmatched by God’s power at work in us if we have faith in the Risen Lord.  We don’t need tons of faith to begin with. “Mustard seed faith” makes for a good start. When we give our little bitty faith to God, it will grow. A growing faith is, in itself, a gift from God.

So, if you’re waiting on more faith so that you can share, so that you can participate in Operation Andrew, for example, start by investing  the little faith that you have. Pray for somebody. Befriend somebody. Invite someone to know the Lord. And there is no telling what God will do. Ours is the God who destroyed death and who today, talks away our guilty fear about what we cannot accomplish.

In the light of the Resurrection, you and I can. Yes. We can do what’s necessary through the victorious Risen Lord who gives us strength.

Yours in the service of our Lord.
Joan Delsol Meade, Pastor